The mistral-cv command-line program

The mistral-cv command line program allows for a minimal interfacing with the library. Calling it without parameters shows the possible usages.


mistral-cv models

Lists the known models with their SKU, IDCODE, die, variant, package, number of pins, temperature grade and speed grade.


mistral-cv routes <model> <file.rbf>

Dumps the active routes in a rbf.


mistral-cv routes <model> <file.rbf>

Dumps the active routes in a rbf where a GIN/GOUT/etc does not have a port mapping associated.


mistral-cv cycle <model> <file.rbf> <file2.rbf>

Loads the rbf in file1.rbf and saves is back in file2.rbf. Useful to test if the framing/unframing of oram/pram/cram works correctly.


mistral-cv bels <model>

Dumps a list of all the logic elements of a model (only depends on the die in practice).


mistral-cv decomp <model> <file.rbf> <>

Decompiles a bitstream into a compilable source. Only writes down what is identified as not being in default state.


mistral-cv comp <> <file.rbf>

Compiles a source into a bitstream. The source includes the model information.


mistral-cv diff <model> <file1.rbf> <file2.rbf>

Compares two rbf files and identifies the differences in terms of oram, pram and cram. Useful to list mismatches after a decomp/comp cycle.